Topic: initial strain
I have an quenstion on the initial strain in Conditions. Initial strain in atena has only strainxx, strain yy and strainzz. But strain is a tensor, and should have six components. I'm confused about it. As local coordinate component on initial strain is not provided in GiD, if strainxy component is nonzero, it seems that there is no way to define it in GiD or ATENA.
I also found some small bugs in the software. First, inGiDpostprocess, Totol Element Initial strain has only UnifX, no UnifY. AtenaWinpostpocess and ATENA3D postprocess, can select UnifX and UnifY. Second, I know how to ouput all stress components of interested nodes in AtenaWin postprocess, however, in GiD preprocess/Conditions to define Monitors for stress, only components xx, yy and zz are available, no shear stress components.