I have updated the code and created the .dll file for the user material. But I could not be able to implement it into ATENA. I am getting the following error, which says that ATENA could not be able to load the .dll file
(Thread 1) CCException: Cannot load DLL: 1D_SMA_DLL.dll
Source line: 259, file: ..\..\Sources\CCMaterial\CCElastIsotropic\CCUserMaterial\CCUserMaterial_Misc.cpp, last modified at: Wed Jul 23 15:10:18 2014
My implementation procedure is as follows:
1. I have created a model in ATENA 3D, similar to tensile testing of a cable. (The cable is connected with 3D-linear-elastic-isotropic steel cubes). At the first step, I am specifying cable to follow the linear elastic reinforcement material. The program runs well and gives the expected results.
2. Now I have exported the input file of the model and replace the following code
MATERIAL ID 335544322 NAME "Reinforcement"
TYPE "CCReinforcement"
E 2.000000e+005
ALPHA 1.200000e-005
RHO 7.850000e-003
with the code:
TYPE "CC3DUserMaterial"
UserMaterialDLL "OneDimSMA.dll"
Ea 67000 // UserMaterialParams
Em 26300 // UserMaterialParams
Ca 8 // UserMaterialParams
Cm 13.5 // UserMaterialParams
Ms 18.4 // UserMaterialParams
Mf 9 // UserMaterialParams
As 34.5 // UserMaterialParams
Af 49 // UserMaterialParams
epsL 0.067 // UserMaterialParams
T 53 // UserMaterialParams
I have tested the OneDimSMA.dll file by importing its function in another C++ program. In that program the required functions are getting imported from .dll file and runs as expected.
Please let me know, where am I doing mistake.
Amit Jain