Topic: Topic: Modelling problem(Invalid master-slave BC)
I'm try to modeling a I section beam with shear force at the middle point. However the analysis failed at step 1. I already read the Troubleshooting 2.4.4. , still fail to solve the problem. Here is part of the informaiton I get.
(*) Invalid master-slave BC, selections for master(s) $N$M402653188S603979797, for slave(s) $N$M402653191S603979823 : 42.2222% slave nodes could not be constrained as required, specified in support id: 1, load case id 738197511, name: VOLUME 402653191 SURFACE 603979823 to VOLUME 402653188 SURFACE 603979797; BC ignored. More details in the Atena .err file.
(x) CCFEModelExc: CCPardiso solver error: zero pivot, numerical factorization or iterative refinement problem, (possibly in equation: 0, node: 0, dof 0) in phase 33.