Dear radhikav0508,
the crack model in ATENA is governed by the crack opening (which more or less corresponds to Mode I), based on Tensile Stfrength and Fracture Energy. Simply said, all the current the properties, including shear stiffness and strength, are controlled by the Crack Opening (the current and the maximal during the loading history so far).
Considering the above, I am afraid I do not see how you could get anything for your Modes Comparison.
I can only recommend you to look at the output attributes available - see the ATENA Studio User's Manual, 4.4 Output Data Attributes for more information on Crack Width, Maximal Fract Strain, Crack Attributes, Cracking Moduli, or, if you work with the SBETA material model (only available for 2D Plane Stress), Sbeta State Variables.