Topic: Query reg. definition of FE mesh
In modelling a beam in 2D, I want to alter the type of element used in FE mesh. I want to try 6-noded isoparametric triangular and 8 or 9 noded isoparametric quadrilateral elements.
In the definition of macro elements I chose mesh type as "quadrilateral". Now the further options available for quadrilateral elements are 'CCIsoQuad', 'CCQ10' and 'CCQ10SBeta'. I have gone through the explanations in ATENA Theory manual and ATENA Input file document. Based on what is given, isoparametric elements are given as CCIsoQuad<xxxx> and the quantity in <> specifies no. of no. of Gauss integration points in the element.
I guess, I should be choosing the option 'CCIsoQuad'. But the options appearing in the window of macro elements doesnt give an option to choose no. of integration points in the element ( <xxxx> ). How do I do that?? By default is it linear or quadratic ??