Dear Dobromil,
There is the following information in ATENA Input File Format:
For n>0 and the iterating process within the
current step does not yield a converged solution,
then the solution is reverted to the best converged
iteration based on the convergence criteria n1, n2,
For n=0 the use of best iteration is reset to not
using best_iteration feature.
If divergence step's (or iteration's) stop criteria
are met, the current step is marked as nonconverged.
When this option is combined with
then the iteration is reverted only when (nnumber
of attempts to revert the current step)=0.
By default n=0, i.e. this feature is N/A and v=1. ,
i.e. the step is marked as not converged step.
If I understood correctly, I can write in "Use best iteration for criterion" numbers from 1 to 4 combining them with single space. Where 1 to 4 are Displacement error, Residual error, Abs. Res. Err., Energy Err. Am I right?