Topic: Querry in Result (Print text mode)

Dear sir,
I made a model of beam with FRP at bottom, with construction case.
there are two construction case 1) Normal Beam with out FRP taking load of 40% of failure load, specificallyanalysis steps 3 only
constuction case 2) After taking 40% of failure load, FRP is applied at bottom till failure for remaining analysis step.
We succeed in this model, but when I went for print text mode, i do not get result for FRP specificaaly Stress at any point of FRP after analysis step 3.
as i applied FRP after analysis step3.
Kindly reply

Re: Querry in Result (Print text mode)

Dear prof. Parikh, please make sure you are using the latest ATENA version - the update to 4.2.7f is available to all users with valid maintenance through download from our web. The problems with monitoring in case of construction process should be solved since 4.2.7e. If the problem occurs in the latest version, please send the model to our support email.