Topic: Environmental conditioning


Iā€™d like to know if I can model the different environmental conditions like fire, freezing and thawing, effect of temperature and see its effect on the behaviour of concrete in Atena software.

Thanks in advance

Re: Environmental conditioning

Dear ahmed,
I suggest to first see the ATENA Science Example Manual (included in PDF format in ATENA installation, and also available from our web under Products - ATENA - Documentation), Chapter 3. TRANSPORT ANALYSIS.

If you are interested in Fire, we can send you a related presentation + a simple example model we are using during our Seminars (please contact us through our general support email).

With respect to freezing/thawing, there is no direct support for this in ATENA. If you are interested in fatigue, please see Troubleshooting, 2.2.26 How can I model cyclic or fatigue loading?

You may also be interested in corrosion induced by chlorides or carbonation, which is available in ATENA 5.7.0 (currently at Beta testing stage).

If you send us some information about what you plan to analyze (see also Troubleshooting, 2.1.1), we can help you find an efficient way of modelling.
