Topic: True stress-strain - steel

Hello to everyone,

Can you help me please, to insert correctly input parameters for steel material, in ATENA 3D Engineering.. The material input parameters for "3D Bilinear Steel Von Mises" (such as "Yield strength" , "Hardening modulus H" etc. ) have to be: True Stress - True Strain converted from the Engineering stress-strain curves using analytical equations (link attached below) or the Engineering Stress - Strain values, recorded from the tensile coupon tests/experiments, in case of 3D steel macroelements like I-shaped steel profiles?

Thank you so much for your help !

Re: True stress-strain - steel

Hi Viorel,

Do you have large plastic strains in steel? If so, it makes sense to consider difference btw true and engineering strain. However, Atena is not very right tool for detailed study of pure steel behavior. The only available curve for steel is bilinear and it is an approximation which is fine when you don't need to analyze steel in plastic deformation zone in detail. It is used to get quite fair behavior of steel and its affect to concrete.
So you cannot define a "true" stress strain curve as a bilinear diagram since it is an engineering approach a priori.

Re: True stress-strain - steel

Thank you pavlo, for your answer, I appreciate !