Topic: Error message
Hi all,
I attempted to run my model. However I received the following error message.
"You don't have assigned Material 0 at Element 750 for first number of unassigned element see *.dat file"
Also the following messages:
Error in base file 'C:/Program Files/GiD/GiD 14.0/problemtypes/Atena/Static.gid/../Execute/Static3DExecute.bas' at line number 54: ElemsMatProp: element without material
Command:ElemsMatProp must be a char
Error in 'strcmp' or 'strcasecmp'.
Error in base file 'C:/Program Files/GiD/GiD 14.0/problemtypes/Atena/Static.gid/../Execute/Static3DExecute.bas' at line number 54: Error into an *if expression
What can be the reason and how can I resolve it? I have check thoroughly, I have assigned all materials and check through draw. Everything look fine. But can't run the analysis due to above error.