Topic: problems runing analysis in Atena Studio

Hello there,

as I am a new Atena (2024j) user, I am facing some difficulties with the software. I am finished modelling my structure (beam fpr three-point bending test). After creating a task and pressing the "run" button, Atena Studio is opening and starting the analysis. After around one second it says the analysis is complete but not a single step was calculated. It seems like i am making any mistag in the preprosessing but after comparing the file to a working one I did no find any mistakes. Also there is no usefull information for me in the Error or message section in Atena Studio. The last messages are:

Job: ATENA, Log start: 11.12.2024 17:08:07

ATENA x64 Version   (c) Cervenka Consulting 1999-2023
License Id. XXXXX

Job: ATENA, Log end: 11.12.2024 17:08:07

I would like to send you my file but i think its not possible here in the forum.

kind regards

2 (edited by patrick.leitner 2024-12-12 11:03:49)

Re: problems runing analysis in Atena Studio

As i have just discovered the Input file is empty even though in the commandline it says that the INP file writing has finished successfully..

here is the file i created:

Re: problems runing analysis in Atena Studio

I found out that the combination of the Atena Vesion and my hardware was the problem. After updating the Software it worked.