Topic: Directory of results at each step
Dear Sir,
I'm encounting a problem on the stored directory of results of each step in ATENA 3D. For example , the results at step 1,the file AtenaStaticResults.0001 is automatically located under the public Documents, not under the model name/AtenaCalculation. This would cause the current AtenaStaticResults.0001 from the previous model would be replaced by AtenaStaticResults.0001 from a new model. Sometimes I need the file AtenaStaticResults.xxxx, but they are all replaced and disappeared. Can you tell me how to modify the store directory of step results?
p.s.: my model is set up in GID11. In the Interval data, I choose "save all" in "store data for this interval steps". The created .inp file is input into Atena 3D for calculation.
Looking forward to your reply.